Beaphar Calming Spot On for Cats

Calming Spot On Cat Pipettes soothe and reduce behavioural problems in cats of all breeds and ages naturally and effectively.Containing valerian extract, one weekly application will be sufficient to prevent problems such as scratching furniture, urin ... See full description


  • 3x0,4 ml £6.75 £5,625.00/L

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  • x1 £6.75 £6.75/unit
  • x2 -£0.14 £13.36 £6.61 last unit
  • x3 -£0.20 £20.05 £6.55 last unit
  • x5 -£0.34 £33.41 £6.41 last unit

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Features Beaphar Calming Spot On for Cats

  • Reference8711231105489
  • BrandBeaphar
  • Behavior IssuueAnxiety, Fear, Stress, Aggressiveness
  • Weight1,2 gr
  • Format3x0,4 ml
  • Product RangeBeaphar Behavior and Training

Description Beaphar Calming Spot On for Cats

Calming Spot On Cat Pipettes soothe and reduce behavioural problems in cats of all breeds and ages naturally and effectively.

Containing valerian extract, one weekly application will be sufficient to prevent problems such as scratching furniture, urine and scent marks in the home, excessive meowing or boisterous behaviour.

How to use: Apply a pipette between the ears, once a week. The valerian extract will become active 1 hour after applying the pipette. In case you bathe your cat, reapply the drops or their effect may be diminished.

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