Home Cats Training Aids Anti-Stress Feliway Help Diffuser+Replacement Feliway Feliway Help Diffuser+Replacement FELIWAY Help! FELIWAY Help! It is recommended in occasional stressful situations such as house parties, a weekend getaway or changes in the environment (renovations or new furniture). FELIWAY Help! Helps reduce signs of stress such as scratching ... See full description Weight £9.39 Order 2 units, don't run out of it x1 £9.39 £9.39/unit x2 -£0.19 £18.59 £9.20 last unit x3 -£0.28 £27.89 £9.11 last unit x5 -£0.47 £46.48 £8.92 last unit Buy it with... KONG Naturals Catnip Spray 30 ml £4.79 Vitakraft Plush Cat Mouse 5 cm £1.99 Whiskas Treats Cat Chicken Flavor 3 Sticks £2.09 Features Feliway Help Diffuser+Replacement Reference3411113085865 BrandFeliway Weight57 GR Behavior IssuueAnxiety, Stress Description Feliway Help Diffuser+Replacement FELIWAY Help! FELIWAY Help! It is recommended in occasional stressful situations such as house parties, a weekend getaway or changes in the environment (renovations or new furniture). FELIWAY Help! Helps reduce signs of stress such as scratching, urine marking or hiding. FELIWAY Help! Send reassurance messages to your cat for 7 days. FELIWAY used all over the world and with more than 25 years of experience Why use FELIWAY Help!? You love your cat very much and the most important thing for you is that it is always happy. But your cat doesn't handle changes well... You make plans To go away for a weekend, you want to make changes at home (new furniture, paint, renovate,...) or invite some friends to dinner. Your life is full of changes and challenges for your cat that will make him feel uncomfortable or insecure. When cats are faced with stressful situations you may notice changes in their behavior such as marking with urine, scratching in specific places or hiding. There may be occasional situations that have caused stress, for example, a weekend getaway, spending a few days away for work, leaving him with a caregiver when you are not there, guests and parties at home, renovations, new furniture, and even coming home after visiting the vet. It is very easy to use! Discover how pheromones can help your cat! Through the pheromones of FELIWAY® Help! Calming messages are sent to your cat that will make them feel more relaxed and happy. Plug it in just 2 days before the stressful event. The replacement lasts 7 days. If your cat needs more quiet time, insert a new replacement to continue using it for another week. Easy to useInsert the refill into the diffuserPress firmly until it clicks.Plug in the room where your cat spends most of the time.The proper orientation of the diffuser, once plugged in, is to the side.FELIWAY Help! covers a space of up to 50 m². Discover FELIWAY®: Thanks to FELIWAY Help! Your cat will be calmer and more relaxed. FELIWAY is the #1 brand recommended by veterinarians to improve the well-being of cats. More than 14 million cats in the world already enjoy the peace of mind that FELIWAY provides in their lives. For complete and constant happiness, discover FELIWAY Optimum with a convenient 30-day format. Presentations Available: Feliway Help! - Diffuser + Replacement 7 daysFeliway Help! - Savings pack 3 spare parts 7 days Customer Reviews Feliway Help Diffuser+Replacement Write a review Related categories Anti-Stress for cats Anti-Stress Feliway for cats Anti-Stress anxiety for cats Anti-Stress stress for cats Standard price £9.39 Autoship order How does it work? Save in your Autoship deliveries! + info -5% In stock We recommend you see these alternatives with a delivery date confirmed by the supplier. - + Add to cart Save purchasing more than 1 unit Prices valid for today
Description Feliway Help Diffuser+Replacement FELIWAY Help! FELIWAY Help! It is recommended in occasional stressful situations such as house parties, a weekend getaway or changes in the environment (renovations or new furniture). FELIWAY Help! Helps reduce signs of stress such as scratching, urine marking or hiding. FELIWAY Help! Send reassurance messages to your cat for 7 days. FELIWAY used all over the world and with more than 25 years of experience Why use FELIWAY Help!? You love your cat very much and the most important thing for you is that it is always happy. But your cat doesn't handle changes well... You make plans To go away for a weekend, you want to make changes at home (new furniture, paint, renovate,...) or invite some friends to dinner. Your life is full of changes and challenges for your cat that will make him feel uncomfortable or insecure. When cats are faced with stressful situations you may notice changes in their behavior such as marking with urine, scratching in specific places or hiding. There may be occasional situations that have caused stress, for example, a weekend getaway, spending a few days away for work, leaving him with a caregiver when you are not there, guests and parties at home, renovations, new furniture, and even coming home after visiting the vet. It is very easy to use! Discover how pheromones can help your cat! Through the pheromones of FELIWAY® Help! Calming messages are sent to your cat that will make them feel more relaxed and happy. Plug it in just 2 days before the stressful event. The replacement lasts 7 days. If your cat needs more quiet time, insert a new replacement to continue using it for another week. Easy to useInsert the refill into the diffuserPress firmly until it clicks.Plug in the room where your cat spends most of the time.The proper orientation of the diffuser, once plugged in, is to the side.FELIWAY Help! covers a space of up to 50 m². Discover FELIWAY®: Thanks to FELIWAY Help! Your cat will be calmer and more relaxed. FELIWAY is the #1 brand recommended by veterinarians to improve the well-being of cats. More than 14 million cats in the world already enjoy the peace of mind that FELIWAY provides in their lives. For complete and constant happiness, discover FELIWAY Optimum with a convenient 30-day format. Presentations Available: Feliway Help! - Diffuser + Replacement 7 daysFeliway Help! - Savings pack 3 spare parts 7 days