Our specialist's review By Oscar V. Kong Dental Toy one of the most functional toys in the market. It is very resistant and durable. You can fill it with Kong pasta - great toy for small animals, they will absolutely love it and also it will make your pet´s breath to smell great. This toy will will take care of your pet´s dental oral hygiene and reduce tartar.Excellent product. Home Small pets Toys KONG Interactive Toy for Ferrets KONG KONG Interactive Toy for Ferrets 3 3 reviews Ideal toy for chewing, to maintain good behaviour and oral hygiene. Refillable with food. See full description Size S £5.19 Order 2 units, don't run out of it x1 £5.19 £5.19/unit x2 -£0.10 £10.28 £5.09 last unit x3 -£0.16 £15.41 £5.03 last unit x5 -£0.26 £25.69 £4.93 last unit Buy it with... Vitakraft Mineral Stone Rodents 168 g 168 GR £2.18 Trixie Straw toys for rodents and rabbits 15 cm £3.19 Jr Farm Flores De Jardin Para Chinchillas 50 GR £3.09 You may also like Living World Nibblers Apple 10 cm (8) £1.39 Add to cart Features KONG Interactive Toy for Ferrets Reference035585431116 BrandKONG Shape MaterialsPlastic TypeIntelligence and ability Small Animal TypeFerrets SizeS Product Range Description KONG Interactive Toy for Ferrets Ideal toy for chewing, to maintain good behaviour and oral hygiene. Refillable with food. Customer Reviews KONG Interactive Toy for Ferrets 3 Stars | 3 reviews 5 Stars 0% 4 Stars 33% 3 Stars 33% 2 Stars 0% 1 Stars 33% Write a review Reviews in other countries Mi perro pequeño lo destrozó en una sola noxe Para un hurón es tremendamente GRANDE, los premios se caen solos, y pesa mucho y es muy grande, el talla S, y según folleto hay XS para hurones. Para un gato o perro pequeño supongo que vendrá fenomenal, el plástico es buena calidad A mi no me ha funcionado muy bien, si le pongo comida dura dentro un suspiro. eso sí, resistente a mordiscos para animales destructores sí que es. Related categories Toys for small pets Toys KONG for small pets Toys for small pets Toys plastic for small pets Toys intelligence and ability for small pets Toys ferrets for small pets Standard price £5.19 Autoship order How does it work? Save in your Autoship deliveries! + info -5% In stock We recommend you see these alternatives with a delivery date confirmed by the supplier. - + Add to cart Save purchasing more than 1 unit Prices valid for today
Our specialist's review By Oscar V. Kong Dental Toy one of the most functional toys in the market. It is very resistant and durable. You can fill it with Kong pasta - great toy for small animals, they will absolutely love it and also it will make your pet´s breath to smell great. This toy will will take care of your pet´s dental oral hygiene and reduce tartar.Excellent product.
Description KONG Interactive Toy for Ferrets Ideal toy for chewing, to maintain good behaviour and oral hygiene. Refillable with food.
Para un hurón es tremendamente GRANDE, los premios se caen solos, y pesa mucho y es muy grande, el talla S, y según folleto hay XS para hurones. Para un gato o perro pequeño supongo que vendrá fenomenal, el plástico es buena calidad
A mi no me ha funcionado muy bien, si le pongo comida dura dentro un suspiro. eso sí, resistente a mordiscos para animales destructores sí que es.